As the global need for environmentally friendly practices continues to grow, Lippert Enterprises has taken the lead in developing inventory management strategies that help OEMs meet their short-term financial goals while also reducing equipment downtime, increasing energy efficiency, and helping to protect the environment.

When a business scraps inventory they are sacrificing long-term customer satisfaction to achieve their short-term goal of inventory reduction.  Scrapping parts decreases the supply of available replacement parts in the market, and this results in increased prices and lead time when the parts are needed in the future. If there is no more inventory on hand, the OEM will have to manufacture the parts on an as needed or small batch basis which is not cheap, fast, or an efficient use of resources. Selling slow-moving and excess inventory to Lippert allows OEMs to keep the inventory available to their customer base while simultaneously meeting short-term inventory reduction goals. Selling inventory and allowing Lippert to manage it generates capital, frees up warehouse space, and reduces overall carrying costs all while keeping lead times low, prices low, and customer satisfaction high.

Lippert utilizes advanced and efficient inventory management practices that are always evolving. Gone are the days of digging through dark warehouses and unorganized bins searching for a needle in the haystack. When Lippert manages a company’s inventory for them, they can reduce their needed warehouse space which reduces their total energy use. Lippert’s new 120,000 sq ft facility was built with energy efficiency as one of their top priorities. Features such as state of the art insulation, smart LED lighting, advanced HVAC technology, and a fleet of electric forklifts help to keep their overall energy consumption to a minimum. Building and storage technologies also keep inventory in great condition. Inadequate warehouse and packaging conditions can lead to corrosion and deterioration that can leave parts unusable. By using the proper storage methods, Lippert can greatly reduce the number of parts that must be discarded because of poor condition.  

One of the largest ways that Lippert Enterprises works to protect the environment is through recycling. Recycling has numerous benefits for the environment. For example, for every ton of recycled steel, it saves one and a half tons of iron ore, half a ton of coal, and 40 percent of the water normally used in the production process. Recycling reduces the consumption, expenses, energy, and time when compared to mining for resources. Additionally, the more materials that are recycled, the less space is taken up in landfills. Over time, this means a cleaner environment and less risk of contaminated soil and groundwater. By working with multiple specialized recycling centers Lippert can ensure that all inventory which has reached the end of its usable life is disposed of in the most environmentally responsible manner.

Lippert’s commitment to creating a greener, more sustainable future is clearly outlined in their mission statement: Lippert Enterprises, Inc. aims to extend the life of inventory. This is achieved by offering flexible solutions to our partner networks. Lippert creates a sustainable future for our customers, employees, community, and shareholders through collaboration, active leadership, continuous improvement, and the highest standards of integrity.